The Seattle Recorder Society's Annual Meeting brings... new faces and new officers Per our Seattle Recorder Society's bylaws, the annual membership meeting commenced with the primary business of electing officers. President Dave Gloger introduced the nominees: Linet...
Da Capo: Nineteenth Century Revival
The Seattle Recorder Society's President Dave Gloger welcomed about two dozen in-person recorder players and another dozen or so Zoom players to our evening of music. Although there were no first-timers present, the Back Room Gang joined the large group for the entire...
Da Capo: from proud and pompous to lovely and sweet
This Groundhog Day found us again in the basement of Faith Lutheran Church, where 19 Zoom participants and 23 in-person players were welcomed by our Music Director Vicki Boeckman and President Dave Gloger. Two new people were introduced, and announcements were made;...
Da Capo: A New-Yeeres Gift
Announcements Past President Laura Townsend opened the meeting inquiring about first time attendees and asked a new participant joining via Zoom from Olympia to introduce herself. Laura then followed with some announcements: Sarah Jeffery's evening on March 25. The...
Da Capo: A holiday romp through recorder history
At our meeting on December 7, our much-revered Director Emeritus Peter Seibert took us though Christmas-themed music from medieval times up through the Renaissance, the Baroque period and on into the present. Throughout the evening, except for our first piece, we were...
Da Capo: from Chansons to Canzones
Warm Welcome At the beginning of the third meeting of the Seattle Recorder Society at Faith Lutheran Church, Music Director Vicki Boeckman graciously greeted seventeen of us on Zoom plus a couple dozen players in the wonderful, warm, welcoming space (OK, maybe not...