Vivace: from our music director Vicki Boeckman
Hello everyone, It's hard to believe that we've reached the end of our season, but here we are, and time has flown yet again. April’s meeting was so inspiring – literally brimming with energy and enthusiasm – thank you all for making our last playing session such a...
Members’ Night promises lively music and intergenerational merriment
Members' Night on Friday, May 3, is shaping up to be a lively evening featuring nearly 20 separate groups and individuals performing selections composed from the Renaissance up through the present. Friends and family are welcome to attend at no charge. A reception...
Local recorder happenings
Recorder ensembles led by Laura Townsend Laura Townsend is once again offering a variety of weekly ensembles in her home studio with some Covid-era innovations in place: hybrid ensemble meetings with an online option always available and in-person playing for folks...
A Fun Filled Flauto-dolce Festival Fostering Friendship, Fugues, Fandangos and Flagrant Fits of Folderol!
Save the dates! Saturday and Sunday, September 21 – 22, 2024 for the Fifth Fall Fipple Flute Forum featuring faculty from near and far at the lovely and convenient Shoreline Community College just north of Seattle. We are excited to announce the faculty will include...
Da Capo: Annual Membership Meeting and April Showers bring…
The Seattle Recorder Society's Annual Meeting brings... new faces and new officers Per our Seattle Recorder Society's bylaws, the annual membership meeting commenced with the primary business of electing officers. President Dave Gloger introduced the nominees: Linet...
News from the SRS Board of Directors
Results of elections in April At the SRS Annual Meeting on April 5, Linet Henry was elected to serve as President-elect for the 2024-25 program year, during which time Nancy Bent will serve as President. Linet will then occupy the office of President the following...
Vivace: from our Music Director Vicki Boeckman
Hello Everyone! Blessed be the Spring and the Spring Equinox! Such a beautiful, hopeful time of year – a confirmation of light and life. The sheer numbers of birds twittering and flitting to and fro in our front- and back-yards are astounding, as are the multitude of...
Remembrances of Debbie McMeel
Debbie McMeel, a well-loved and widely-respected recorder player from the Bellingham area passed away on March 8, 2024. Her funeral service will be on Saturday, April 13 at 1 pm, at St Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2117 Walnut St, Bellingham, WA. Many SRS members knew...
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Deadline for the March newsletter:
Thursday, February 15