Do you know a youngster who likes music and might like to participate in a recorder group. Please keep reading and forward this information about the new Junior Recorder Ensemble of Puget Sound.
Starting in April, Seattle Recorder Society will sponsor a four-session beginning recorder program for 9-13 year-olds, called the Junior Recorder Ensemble of Puget Sound (JREPS). The class will be taught by SRS member Nancy Gorbman, who led a similar group last summer on Vancouver Island.
The program will run on four consecutive Friday evenings from 4 – 5 pm, April 12, 19, 26 and May 3. . Each participant will be provided with an “Ecodear” soprano recorder, a music folder with sheet music and handouts. Music stands will be provided at the sessions. The cost of the program is $47.50 and includes the recorder. Financial aid is available if needed.
Additional information and the registration form can be found here: JREPS registration form. You may submit payment for the workshop by clicking here, but please also print and complete the registration form and mail it to the address provided.
Gorbman, a past SRS president, created the format for the workshop and approached the SRS Board for sponsorship. “I really enjoyed teaching the music camp on Vancouver Island, and It inspired me to do educational outreach in my local community,” she said. Gorbman has a degree in Music History as well as extensive experience leading and participating in recorder ensembles. “I learned the recorder in Fourth Grade,” she shared recently, “and I want to share that experience with kids today.”
SRS President Dave Gloger noted that approval for the proposal was unanimous amongst SRS Board members. “We are all excited to see this program emerge, and we look forward to doing all we can as a sponsor to make it successful. And, we look forward to sharing with the students and their families that the recorder is way more than an instrument to play until kids’ hands are big enough to play a ‘real’ instrument.”
For additional information, email