Hello Everyone,Happy belated Autumn Equinox! My, it came upon us quickly. I hope you are easily transitioning into the irrefutable season and enjoying the premonition of fall. September with its golden late afternoon light has always been my personal favorite time of...
Upcoming local recorder events
Saturday, October 15 from 2:00-4:30 pm: Moss Bay Recorder Society Meeting Join MBRS’ first meeting in over two years, with new music director Laura Townsend! We will play a delightful selection of music arranged by British recorder player Annabel Knight. At the...
Ongoing ensembles offered by Laura Townsend
Laura Townsend is offering a variety of weekly ensembles in her home studio with some Covid-era innovations in place: hybrid ensemble meetings with an online option always available and in-person playing for folks who are fully vaccinated/boosted, feeling well and...
Concerts and events calendar–October/November
October 1-22, Virtual Performance: Seattle Baroque Orchestra—Silenced Voices Women composers, singers, and instrumentalists of the early classical period have generally not been recog-nized for their contributions in our times. This concert sets the record straight!...
Da Capo: September Meeting Notes
With nineteen participants in person at Maple Leaf Lutheran Church and another thirteen Zooming in from home, the Seattle Recorder Society opened its first playing session of the 2022-2023 year by officially welcoming our new President, Laura Townsend. Our warm-up...
Report on the Fall Fipple Flute Forum
Our venue this year was in a lovely corner wing of Bellevue College. A total of 31 participants and 5 faculty traveled from as far north as Vancouver, BC, as far south as Forest Grove, Oregon, and as far east as Bloom-ington, Indiana. We had a delightful weekend...